Maybe on the keyboards. But as much as everyone is talking about sending CEOs to the guillotines, nobody is actually doing it. It’s just angry posting and venting on social media in between regular dull life moments.
Well, not nobody
3 of the greatest people of our time
I think the whole point of the ridiculous shit he’s done in week 1 is to abuse the slow speed of virality.
Freeze budget, content gets created, gets reversed, frozen budget content is peaking viral.
Mix of what’s going on. News says one thing, social media says another.
So yeah I think you’re right, but I think the point is civil war.
We gotta somehow unify and get one another to see it’s a class war.
Edit: I want to make clear that I feel this way because I think Donald Trump is way way smarter than we want to give him credit for. The man understands attention. That’s why he dominated in 2016. And that’s why he’s dominating your news feed now. This is not an endorsement.
Trump sure as hell is only signing those EOs because of the titles they put on them. This fucking guy can barely read at a fifth grade level. Sure, he put the guys in charge of things that he wants or thinks he does cause they suck up to him. He’s a fucking moron.
That “Fucking moron” just dismantled democracy and installed himself in one of the 5 most powerful seats on earth… but you keep underestimating him on Lemmy and see how that works out for you.
RESPECT YOUR OPPONENT. Even if you cant stand the cheeto colored rat bastard.
He didn’t do it alone.
Smart enough to know when to delegate! I like this guy already!
The fact that you have to clarify at the end that you are not endorsing anything about the current administration, so your own side doesn’t rip you to figurative shreds, is part of the reason you guys lost the election, and part of the pervasive issue with Dems
The perma stun proceeds as expected