I try to avoid travelling by airplane, given the environmental impact of all that flying. But tomorrow I have to fly for work.
What are your airport/airplane tips?
Set your meal preference. I usually choose “Asian Vegetarian”. That guarantees you a (somewhat) tasty curry and you’ll also be served first.
If you’re travelling to somewhere with a significant timezone change, prepare beforehand. Start shifting your body clock about 1 hour per day. Most importantly, shift when you eat your meals - that seems to be the key for me.
Unless you are flying business class or higher, there’s no real way to get a good sleep on a plane. All the gadgets in the world won’t help. Get a thick sleep mask and some earplugs and hope for the best.
Once the seatbelt sign is off, take your shoes off. You’ll feel a lot more comfortable. Put them on if you go to the toilet though!
When I land, I just sit there for a bit and let everyone else get all hot and sweaty trying to get their carry on luggage first and get off the plane first. There’s no real rush, and if you have checked in luggage in the hold you’re going to be waiting for that anyway.