Another epiphany I’ve had with my recent c64 work is the speed of the computer. Since before this my only interface for writing anything was BASIC, I always thought the c64 was fairly slow or inefficient with its 1Mhz CPU. Now I know that the slowness is BASIC. Doing the exact same operations in assembler are SOOOO FAAASST!! As a test, one function was 141 times faster on the exact same hardware in assembler than it was in BASIC. Its still hard to wrap my head around that.
Another epiphany I’ve had with my recent c64 work is the speed of the computer. Since before this my only interface for writing anything was BASIC, I always thought the c64 was fairly slow or inefficient with its 1Mhz CPU. Now I know that the slowness is BASIC. Doing the exact same operations in assembler are SOOOO FAAASST!! As a test, one function was 141 times faster on the exact same hardware in assembler than it was in BASIC. Its still hard to wrap my head around that.
I made a platformer in BASIC, with killing stars, jumping, dissolving floors and all that clqssic stuff.
It ran at a “correct” speed but not faster.
Started the ASM/machinecode version, the sprite just disappeared when moving because it was so fast. IIRC I thought it about 500 times faster.