What a loser.
I totally understand people who use cheat engine or similar to break games and to have fun seeing what they can do. Skipping content. Whatever.
But those that cheat to be able to boast… pathetic.
And then he’s like “well, everyone’s doing it.” 🙄
Honestly, one of the big reasons multiplayer sucks now is because of cheaters. You wanna cheat in a single-player game? I couldn’t give less of a shit. But giving yourself an unfair advantage while playing against other people is pathetic and ruins the game for everyone…
Not cheating! Boosting/account sharing.
This is a troll account with a post history of straight trolling. Report and block is the only appropriate response.
Not everyone who has a different perspective from you is a troll, buddy.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s inherently dishonest to take credit for skills you don’t have and achievements you didn’t earn.
No one is arguing that it isn’t dishonest. NO ONE.
I’m just arguing that cheating is a different thing than boosting/account sharing. I’m not even arguing which is worse. I sometimes wonder if people can even read. I just corrected the terminology and BAM 14 dislikes. SO dumb.