With the recent news of Apple disabling iCloud encryption in the UK I’m wondering if now is the time to switch from iOS to GrapheneOS, however I have a few questions before I consider switching.

Firstly I know the ideal way to use it is without Google play services, however it looks like thats needed for my banking app (which also apparently only works under the owner profile so I don’t have the option of having a separate profile for Google play apps). I believe it would also be needed for notifications on Whatsapp and Facebook messenger (I know they’re shit but I can’t convince everyone else to move). In terms of how much data Google/Apple can harvest how does GrapheneOS with sandboxed Google play services compare to iOS which I believe also sandboxes all apps by default? I’ve always used iOS previously so I don’t fully understand what Google play services does on stock Android or how much better the sandboxing truly makes it.

Secondly what are the best options for backups? It seems like seedvault is USB only, ideally I’d like to be able to backup to my home server. The main thing would probably just be my photos and Whatsapp messages if its not possible to do full device backups.

I also have a couple of questions about the pixel hardware. There’s currently an offer on so I can currently get a pixel 7a for £280, that seems like a good price but I know the pixel 9a is releasing soon, is the 8a likely to drop much in price after that? I don’t know how quickly the prices drop but considering the 8a is currently £500 I can’t see it dropping to <£300

Also I hear a lot of good things about the pixel cameras, is that still the case with GrapheneOS or is that just because of Google’s proprietary camera app? I’m not a massive camera user so its not a deal-breaker either way.

Lastly, I know this will mostly be speculation but I’d be interested in people’s thoughts on the future of GrapheneOS and alternatives with stuff like the play integrity API. Do you think it will get to the point where 90% of apps no longer function or do you think most developers will ignore it?

  • Sonalder@lemmy.ml
    15 days ago

    I think switching from iOS to GrapheneOS doesn’t massively improve your privacy. However it improve your freedom and the control you have on your device. Privacy takes education if you install GrapheneOS and link it to your Google Account and use invasive apps that are not needed to be that so (like a calculator app that access your Pictures and geolocation) will not improve drastically over iOS but will a bit over Stock Android. But unlike iOS you can use you’re phone without accounts and that’s huge.

    Where did you see that banking app only works on the main profile ? I personnaly use a seperated user profile for all banking related apps and it just works with the Play Services installed and not signed in getting apps through Aurora Store. Seperated user profile is not conveniante to use daily. If you want quick access to your banking apps you could use a Work Profile, setting it up with the FOSS app Shelter. You can installed the Play Services and the Play Store if needed to that profile and limits some of their permission (some are required for it work properly)

    I do backup manually of what I feel is important so I won’t recommend you anything. However if I remember correctly WhatsApp let you do backup only on Google Drive if you’re on Android and iCloud if you’re on an iPhone.

    I wouldn’t buy a 7A because of security updates ending in 2028 which is in 3 years already and the battery is worse than the newer models. While the 8 series is ending support in 2030 and 2031 for the 8A. Keep in mind that iPhone are premium devices while Pixel A are midrange, it’s a bit like the SE from Apple. Phone are getting expensive and if I were you I would wait to get lower price on the 8A or 8Pro.

    Yeah Pixel Camera is amazing for photography, while lacking behind competition in Portrait Mode (used to be the best) and videos (iPhone are much better). But this is mainly thanks to the Google proprietary camera app. Phone photography is good only thanks to the algorithmes processing the images the hardware isn’t that great. You can still use the stock Secure Camera from Graphene and get good results in great lighting condition however installing Google Camera through AuroraStore or the PlayStore directly will give you better results. But it come with drawbacks as it only support Google Photos to open your previous shots from the camera app. It also asks for Play Services but someone told in the comment that is not the case so maybe it has changed since I did. There is an open source app that fakes the Play Services for Google Camera to work without asking questions. It’s called GCam Services Provider (Photos), you can also bypass the Google Photos limitation by using GCam Photos Preview but this one is a bit clunky to be honest, I hope it will get updated but doesn’t seems to. You can also install modded GCam to bypass all of this but this come with it’s own risk and is mainly focus on non-Pixel devices. But if you really want to try here is a trusted ressources.

    This is a valid question and I hope we will be able to live our digital lives without being so dependant from Google or Apple. A great start is by switching to FOSS apps when possible, it’s not a magic solution and come with limitations but as of today it’s my goal even if I still use proprietary app for my bank for exemple.

    Since you come from iOS I want to point out that there is Goodwy that’s maintaining amazing foss apps forked from SimpleMobileTools (now Fossify Tools) and applied an Apple inspired UI, you might feel more at home with his apps. Mention to Right Gallery, Right Contact, Right Dialer, Right Messages and Right Files. The apps are asking for internet permission but it’s for paying the premium fee to unlock all feature (you are not forced to pay to unlock them). I made a donation using Bitcoin to the dev because he’s doing great work and never allow the app to have internet permission thanks to GrapheneOS feature.

    There is a fairly great ammount on ressources on AlternativeTo regarding Android apps I myself made a couple of list you might want to take a quick look :

    Not from me