I’m sure that will drastically improve the already wonderful and welcoming community.
The ranked pool is limited to paying players still, which is a good way to help keep cheaters out
I get free to play, however I am getting frustrated when I purchase a game and then it goes free to play.
I get it but I don’t really mind when it’s a very old game. It’s not like your copy of R6 siege has that much value many years after release.
Same goes for OW.
Same goes for OW.
I paid for a 6 x 6 Hero Shooter they gave me a F2P 5 x 5 version with a lot of changes and I cannot ever play again the game that I paid for. I do mind a lot.
I bought OW at release and it’s one of the best value I ever got in gaming.
The game was around 40€ many years ago and I had all heroes since release, plenty of lootboxes and skins. And I played hundreds of hours on it. Yes they killed their game in the recent years but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get any value from it. I honestly think they were pretty generous for the first years considering it wasn’t price at 60€ like some CoD.
The problem isn’t the amount of value, they’ve essentially removed OW1, there’s no way to play it again from a game preservation perspective is goddamn awful what they’ve done. Probably the only time you can play it again is when they release an Overwatch Classic for $29.99 in 10 years.
Well, can’t speak for R6S, but OW most certainly decreased in quality after it went F2P. We pretty much stopped playing a few months later.
Absolutely true, unfortunately for me I usually purchase games later in their lifespan after most bugs are worked out. It’s not like it goes F2P a year after I purchase but I guess I am just complaining.
If more people get to play it and the game is given new life it’s a good thing.
Comically enough they put it in sale on steam
Ranked will not be F2P. If you already own Seige, you won’t have to pay again for ranked.
Anyone knows what happen to operators and skins already owned?
You’ll keep everything, it’s not a new game but more of an update and moving the game to a new engine, like CS2
The new game mode looks like the opposite of R6. The map is more open? Looks COD-like. R6 has always been CQB to me.
The interactive props are cool though.
It’s more cod-like right now, but it’s still more strategic and 3-dimensional. I think once people start getting to know the maps better and strategies start to develop more, the run-and-gun style of play will slow down and people will play more carefully and more objective-oriented.
Agreed, I’ll need to try it to see how it is. The idea of defending and attacking in one game sounds like it could be fun but quick respawns and an open map is closer to battlefield.
Close Quarter Combat/Battle
So this is not the PvE mode that I was waiting for huh …
I’m curious- what PvE mode were you hoping for? Like some kind of expansion on what T-hunt used to be?
Yeah something like that. Maybe a Co-Op story mode (extraction was shit)