Approaching the end of window 10 and have no plans on upgrading to 11.
I am trying to find alternatives to applications I regularly use before jumping ship (it is mostly a gaming focused pc) any suggestions?
There’s oculus software for my vr but don’t know what I’m going to do with that
Small update: probably going to do Linux mint as that appears to be the most beginner friendly
Update two: that’s a lot of comments, and Thanks for all the info
So I should do this with at least ny favorite games before wiping my drive and installing a Linux distro?
Probably, yes. Dual-booting may also be an option for the one or two games that don’t work.
Bazzite, a gaming-focused Linux distribution, is designed to work really well with Steam. One drawback is that if you have a game installed in Windows on a Windows drive, you can’t use it from Linux steam. But, there is a way to have games accessible to both operating systems. I haven’t done this, yet, but I’m probably going to try it this week.
It involves installing a Windows driver that supports BTRFS partitions.
Here’s the video guide I found.
An alternative is to bind mount the appcompat folder from your linux steam into the steam library on your windows drive.
I really hope Bazzite manages to smooth out the last few snags and use cases for dual-boot so that I can recommend it to more non-techy people without needing to explain stuff like this or the unintuitive process of importing installed windows games into Lutris.
Maybe we’re now at a point where it’s a good choice for more techy people to use, and that adoption will mean more work gets done on it.
I installed it because I wanted to see how well it would run games. But, I haven’t actually played many games on it, not because they don’t work (they work great), but because I’ve found it’s so good at everything else too. It made it easy to get around to some projects I’d been putting off.
My machine plays all kinds of fairly recent games extremely well, but Microsoft is ditching Windows 10 support in less than a year, and has decided this machine doesn’t qualify for Windows 11. I bet there are lots of other people in the same boat. Bazzite doesn’t have to be perfect, but if it can be better than throwing away your old machine, there could be a lot of people switching soon.