I use PayPal to be the middle man to protect my credit card information when I purchase items online.
Of course I have grown less fond of PayPal and their scammy behavior (plus the password limit is 20, wtf?)
My question; is there an alternative to paypal to buy things online (without crypto as not all stores take such things), such as privacy.com (but for Europe).
Correct mw if im wrong, but I believe privacy.com is for US, Canada region.
My bank doesn’t offer virtual credit cards sadly.
I still hope GNU taler will be more widely used. It’s basically everything you are looking for.
That looks cool but the issue would be getting merchants to implement it
Yes I think that’s the biggest issue and currently also the focus of a project called NGI Taler. Let’s see what comes out. Fingers crossed as this would be great for everyone.
@Wolfie Completely seconding the Revolut suggestion here. For privacy protection, works perfectly!
privacy protection with a service that’s only accessible through an ownership controlling, datamining-filled smartphone app? it was just a joke, right?
if they do this on your phone, what are they doing with your transaction data…
@ReversalHatchery I want to respectfully say that I find your answer a bit agressive in tone. I was just trying to give my best shot at an answer, even if I am not a privacy expert, as OP was really just asking for a way to conceal his Credit Card Number, or that’s what I understood.
I agree that total privacy will not be accomplished without using a custom rom and more private applications, but I feel like, for the average user, that might be too much work