You’re right, they finished at 10.
I liked the Android phones. The hub was still nicely integrated, the hardware keyboard had good features. The main problem was that they were expensive and hard to get.
You’re right, they finished at 10.
I liked the Android phones. The hub was still nicely integrated, the hardware keyboard had good features. The main problem was that they were expensive and hard to get.
Reddit has proper moderation. As in actual people moderate it. It basically has a lot of content that was verified by ‘experts’. And they do it for free.
In the age of bots, fake news and AI generated pages Reddit is a pretty good source of actual facts. Search engines lean on it more and more so it means there’s bunch of money in it.
At least that was the plan. If people will stop moderating there because of politics it’s worthless.
No way they will bring BB 11 OS back. Android emulation is just not good enough and without it you would have 0 apps.
QNX was the real-time OS they sold for embedded devices. Modern BB phones used BB11 OS. It had Android emulation but obviously no play store or google services so they had to abandon it. Android BB phones were still great but obviously not enough people cared.
Is this a US thing? I had to install windows 11 in a VM like a month ago and I didn’t have to create MS account or use any bypass scripts.
If you listen to the actual talk the bird they are talking about is an albatross and they are simply saying that to improve efficiency you need to make the wings longer and slimmer but then the plane will not fit in current aiport gates so they are working on folding wings.
Other places mentioned ‘U.S. sanctioned region’.
Apparently, one of the contributors did a push while visiting Cuba and since Cuba in sanctioned by US they just blocked the entire repo. Insane.
I was still lurking there but not so long ago it just died. The subs I was looking at stopped updating. There was no point going back.
A chord keyboard uses combinations of keys, like chords on a piano. You have fewer keys so you can type with one hand. I’m not 100% serious about it, learning curve would be horrendous. But it would be interesting to try. I used blackberry for a long time and I hate screen keyboards.
And yes, looks like I found one while looking for examples :) It’s $175 on ebay, bit expensive.
Yeah, that’s a lot of work with tools I have no idea with. Definitely a fun project but I don’t have the time.
Here’s what I want: tiny, one handed bluetooth chord keyboard.
For typing on my phone. Can someone make one?
Wake me up when you find something people will not abuse and get addicted to.
So they can make my TV smaller? Nice.
I also had them. The last one I bought turned out to be made for Indian market and had a firmware that was calling 112 every time you looked a it the wrong way. So yeah, it wasn’t hard to find one on eBay but it was risky and there were no official distributors in my country any more.
The previous Android BB I had worked fine until the OS died of old age as Android used to do back then. I had no issues with the hardware or security.
I understand you had different experience with them than I did. For me it was the best phone with hardware keyboard at the moment and it worked fine.