We don’t manufacture cars in the United States we assemble them. Most of the parts for cars are made outside of the states. Mainly in China.
So they didn’t prosecute a single individual in this attempt. Guess our government as always allowed insurrection go unpunished in our country. Just like Trump and his J6th people.
Only way I buy this:
If they try pull 100 dollar bullshit or fill it with micro transactions then I am out. Also I will not pre order this game (I didn’t with 5) I will wait until its out and I hear good things from the players.
Just like I did with 5. Had coworker who was bragging about the game every day. Finally and picked up a copy at Vintage Stock. This is the original PS3 version only one I have.
What’s my alternative? Only person on the ballot will be Trump. So if I want retain my right to vote Biden will be my only choice because we got to keep Trump out and all Republicans.
Really TIL. Knew Biden was a peice of shit but wow.
Yep Obama did jackshit when Snowden came out under his administration and told us all that the US was spying on all Americans.
Fuck Democrats and Republicans are fine with this unconstitutional bullshit. Especially Biden who voted for the Patriot Act and the Iraq War.
In Oklahoma totally 100% agree. We have 3 taco trucks in our small town. We’re the variety? I love a BLT truck, and definitely a stir fry truck. I love to start one but damn the cost of the trucks can get expensive.