The super + alttp rando is so fun
The super + alttp rando is so fun
When ya said oddball pick I was half expecting metroid prime pinball to be it haha
Yeah, looking at the wiki page for the cam workbench seems like it could probably handle VMC work, but even basic turning didn’t sound super well supported, let alone any kind of mill/turn or multi axis work.
Interesting, I hadn’t ever seen any discussion of cam side stuff in freecad, I might have to keep tabs on it a bit more. Looking at their wiki pages for the cam workbench it seems pretty far from adequate for my needs though.
Does free cad have any cam functionality?
I’ve seen some mentions of AM2R, which I love, but also wanna shout out the romhack Super Metroid Redesign.
Its hard for me to pick an absolute favorite, but Fusion probably gets it today from me.