Bro needs to learn to slice the pie and check those corners.
Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
Bro needs to learn to slice the pie and check those corners.
Her dad, Polonius, is hiding behind a curtain to spy on Hamlet for the king, because Hamlet is pretending (?) to be crazy to make himself seem like less of a threat.
While Hamlet is yelling at his mom for marrying the king (who also killed Hamlet’s dad— the old king), he hears Polonius behind the curtain and stabs him to death. Afterwards he realizes that he killed his girlfriend’s dad.
It’s a great play, I highly recommend reading a synopsis and then watching it.
Mercutio from Romeo & Juliet is an all-timer. Just a clown who nobody takes seriously, but is liked by everyone. Then while he’s being stupid playing with swords (but trying to patch up a blood feud at the same time) he gets killed, triggering a revenge murder that spirals into the deaths of the teens. Sorry for spoilers.
There has been a concerted push by reactionary media to demonize it.
The same thing happened with issues like the estate tax, lawsuits against corporations, police reform, etc.
You’re absolutely right! Thanks, edited.