The GUI version was working a month or so ago, but a recent Tumbleweed update broke openVPN when using port forwarding via natpmpc. Bug report here
Wireguard on the Proton GUI client on Linux is experimental, don’t use it except for testing. Use the manual setup, and make sure to test for DNS leaks.
I would be interested to know why you are pushing this product across multiple places on Lemmy. Your post, despite disparaging “viral marketers”, has a viral marketing tone with statements such as “I feel like I’ve been wasting money on my VPN ever since I found Riseup”.
Additionally, while I do believe a free VPN using an autonomous collective, resource pooling approach is a great idea, in practice this VPN has had… not a great history from my point of view. A quick search shows that in 2017 they were forced to comply with US Law Enforcement, see the Warrant Canary section. VPNs based in the US are known to be at risk, and this is another good example.
When choosing a VPN provider, server location is important, as well as company location. You are repeatedly encouraging people to Torrent from a VPN based in one of the most zealous countries opposing file sharing worldwide, and one that has already worked with Law Enforcement.