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Some albums I like that are synthwave / vaporwave adjacent.
I’m 99% sure its sarcasm.
If something’s subpar about it, then do what’s recommended in this post. Open an issue on the repo, or contribute to a fix. It’s open source software.
Unfortunately the people advertising lemmy on reddit and elsewhere rarely link, and direct people to join a few large instances. So we’ll likely keep having centralization problems for the forseeable future.
They look neat, but way too powerful and expensive, and not big enough. I want a whiteboard size e-ink display with a processor like a potato for like <100 USD
Yep, I’ve coded remotely for many years now.
I used to use vim, but now helix, as my main rust and javascript/typescript IDE. So I mainly use termux+ssh .
Unfortunately for android dev you pretty much have to run android studio, so I use an android VNC client for that.
Cheap large e-ink android screen. Doesn’t need to do anything other than be a consistent, always on display with a long battery life.
I haven’t used a laptop for many years now, I mostly code from an android tablet, into a remote machine. You can find ones with great battery life and keyboards.
But they don’t have to know who the message comes from, hence why the sealed sender technique works.
Anyone who’s worked with centralized databases can tell you that even if they did add something like that, with message timestamps, it’d be trivial to find the real sender of a message. You have no proof that they even use that, because the server is centralized, and closed source. Again, if their response is “just trust us”, then its not secure.
They have to. They can’t route your messages otherwise.
I can’t speak about telegram, but signal is absolutely not secure to use. Its a US-based service (that must adhere to NSLs), and requires phone numbers (meaning your real identity in the US).
Matrix, XMPP, or SimpleX are all decentralized, and don’t require US hosting.
An stranger on the internet just gave you license to say a historically racist term, how convenient for you. Next they’ll be some /r/asablackman posters saying its okay for you to use the n-word, because it doesn’t bother them.
I removed this because it has nothing to do with linux specifically, and as expected, it brought out a lot of people defending the use of this historically racist term, and /asablackman’ing it.
I’ve reinstated it and removed the offending comments for now.
Also I don’t know why this needs a discussion at all. There’s hundreds of words in english for something that looks good, and you can be more specific about it : snazzy, sleek, cool, streamlined, nifty, retro
A few that I use every day:
Zebra or giraffe. Not to ride, just to go on walks with.