“I’m probably one of the most humble persons ever, some people said maybe one of the humblest, it is true”
Did I say something stupid enough that you needed to check my profile?
Good, that was on purpose.
“I’m probably one of the most humble persons ever, some people said maybe one of the humblest, it is true”
I liked a lot both the OS and the form factor, it had some retrofuturistic feel that other “smart” watches lack. However, build quality was high crap, especially the last model they released.
I just hope that someone who’s good making watches would take on the design style and software.
Corpos gonna corp.
Plus you can use real time bidding and let customers fight each other for prime hours, while also keeping low interest spots working.
That said, I guess we’re closing in to those Minority Report street adds, that scan your face and give you personalized adverts.
Forbidden Siren 2 vibes here.
Should I play the first game before starting this one?
You are confusing privacy with anonymity. You aren’t anonymous because your user is linked to a phone number, but your communications are private due to how their encryption works.
On the location attack: it is a matter of configuration and your location will be as ambiguous as thousands of miles.
And they probably had to sweat blood and tears to get there, because the videogame industry is a harsh mistress.
If she hasn’t done anything wrong then she has nothing to hide.
Wow, I wasn’t even aware this existed. Thanks!