Even if you pay they have no incentive to get you to stop paying (i.e. find a partner).
Even if you pay they have no incentive to get you to stop paying (i.e. find a partner).
You can even use it to do the SSL part for a local non-SSL IMAP server. And, there’s a CrowdSec middleware as well, that will block blacklisted IPs.
it seems easier to manage stuff not in docker
Read into Traefik’s dynamic configuration. Adding something outside of Docker is as easy as adding a new config file in the dynamic configuration folder. E.g. jellyfin.yml
rule: Host(`jellyfin.example.org`)
entrypoints: websecure
certResolver: le
service: jellyfin
- url: ""
The moment you save that file it will be active and working in Traefik.
This article is from April 2024. So, where are the ads?
Or, you know, you could just use Apple’s feature and switch to a different Apple TV (device) user account? This should also switch to whatever accounts that user was logged in to in all related services.
Well, surprise, that’s what happens if you stop censoring stuff that isn’t legally prohibited.
pretty much all men want sex
Yeah, what happened to the good old:
You can configure it to make your author page also your ActivityPub profile (compatible with Mastodon). Once people subscribe to that author account, they will get notified of new posts and see them in their timeline. But IIRC there’s no support for historic entries, i.e. people will only see new entries from the moment they subscribed onwards.
E.g. my blog is available as @[email protected] within the fediverse. If you go there, you’ll most probably see an empty profile. Only when you follow that account, you’ll see future entries pop up in your timeline.
Feedle seems to be a normal RSS directory, but they make lots of noise on Mastodon - so I guess a lot of the blogs listed there will have some Fediverse representation as well…
Panic Nova on macOS, VSCode on Windows, neovim in the Shell.
I’d like to track these things:
I believe TMDB only does the first. And self-hosting makes sure the data stays under my control and the service doesn’t vanish or gets paywalled anytime soon.
I’ve got the same Geekworm cases for all my Raspberries. Added some extra thermal pads in some strategic places and have them all without any active cooling at room temperature (20-21℃). They barely go over 55℃:
The 3B+ has soft-throttling (can be disabled) starting at 60℃, full throttling at 70°C. The 4 starts throttling at 80℃ and the 5 at 85℃. So, with that completely passive cooling I’m still far away from these margins. No need for any moving parts that will make noise at some point in the future.
Also, since the cases have ribs on both sides, I have my Pis standing upright to hopefully make use of the stack effect - which might contribute to the slightly lower than OP’s values.