Oh, nice. Thanks!
This is me showing my docker ignorance, I suppose.
Oh, nice. Thanks!
This is me showing my docker ignorance, I suppose.
I just snapshot the parent lxc. The data itself isn’t part of the container at any level, so if I bung up compose yml or env, I can just flip it back. The only real benefit is that all my backups are in the same place in the same format.
Like I’m not actually opposed to managing docker in one unit, I just haven’t got there yet and this has worked so far.
If I were to move to a single platform for several docker, what would you suggest? For admin and backups?
Lxc and docker are not equivalent. They are system and software containers respectively.
I use individual lxc for each docker compose so I don’t have to revert 8 services at once if I need to restore.
I would also argue that an alpine lxc runs in 22mb ram by itself … Significantly smaller footprint on disk and in memory. But most importantly, lxc can actually share memory space effectively, one doesn’t need to reserve blocks of ram.
Debian and xfce, generally. I’m happy to wait for features when they arrive, and xfce works fine.
However, Debian with gnome on my surface pro 6. Xorg just doesn’t handle rotation and touchscreen things very well.
On the other hand, several apps still behave very poorly under Wayland, so it’s a bit of a catch 22 at the moment.
The issue is that they are pushing their own version of flatpaks, some of which are broken, instead of contributing to flat hub and making that the default.
Well, tbf Brodie had only just covered that Hector had left upstream.
Also, it’s hot on the heels of one of leads of the nouveau driver leaving redhat and the nouveau project altogether. Karol Herbst has pointed out friction with Linux kernel maintainers as well.
There are a number of other devs who are less… Shall we say set in their ways and are perceived as completely opposite to the free and open values they once encouraged 20 years ago. And i don’t think anyone wants to see the Linux community fragment along these lines.
Thank you for replies, I’m grateful.
Sorry to pester you, but I’m confused: my google calendar app does not allow removing the original google calendar. How were you able to do so?
And both of your installs can sync from device to NC? I have not been able to get around this… Only one-way sync from NC to davx to 3rd party android calendar.
Which calendar client did you use?
I thought the switch to nextcloud calendar was going to be simple, but davx is … Not a clean-cut app.
deleted by creator
So I went to the demo and I have a few questions:
{"message":"TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')"}
I am actually really impressed with what you have so far, and I’d love to start using this!
Ok, I think I can deal with recording on an OSM client. I’ll give Wanderer a try.
I want to try this. I’m one of the unfortunate victims of Gaia GPS turning to trash.
However, I can’t seem to find in the docs how tracks can be recorded…
Is there an app?
Do I need to be in contact with the server to record a track?
Do I need to ask my friends to send me gpx exports if they aren’t on strava?
Do you envision an integration with opentrailmap so in can share trails without having to expose Wanderer to public?
It’s not actually going that great, there is already infighting on the direction of the scripts.
Are you having trouble reading context?
No, I’m not applying 2005 security, I’m saying NFS hasn’t evolved much since 2005, so throw it in a dedicated link by itself with no other traffic and call it a day.
Yes, iscsi allows the use of mounted luns as datastores like any other, you just need to use the user space iscsi driver and tools so that iscsi-ls is available. Do not use the kernel driver and args. This is documented in many places.
If you’re gonna make claims to strangers on the internet, make sure you know what you’re talking about first.
Yes, i have. Same security principles in 2005 as today.
Proxmox iscsi support is fine.
Oh, OK. I should have elaborated.
Yes, agreed. It’s so difficult to secure NFS that it’s best to treat it like a local connection and just lock it right down, physically and logically.
When i can, I use iscsi, but tuned NFS is almost as fast. I have a much higher workload than op, and i still am unable to bottleneck.
I don’t know what you’re on about, I’m talking about segregating with vlans and firewall.
If you’re encrypting your San connection, your architecture is wrong.
These projects are poorly maintained and abandoned because the industry of email has been reduced to a very few players, and they don’t care about IMAP standards, dmarc, dkim or any of it.
You’re running head on into the primary reason no one self-hosts email anymore; it has gone from being a nuisance to being adversarial.