Watch that mouth of yours, whippersnapper!
Watch that mouth of yours, whippersnapper!
We’ll see who’s laughing after the government breaks through all of Google’s firewalls and hacks their mainframe!
They’re gonna need a lot of cyber-tape if they want any chance of stopping all the data from spilling through their firewalls.
And who knows how google would handle a cyber-nuke.
Delicious! Though not quite as good as the meteorite eggs, straight from space.
The government could get google to remotely install a system app that reads your encryption keys.
But it’s not like they’d do that….
Oh, what’s this? A new closed source app was just automatically installed on my phone.
“Android System Key Verifier”. Huh, I wonder what it does?
On the bright side, you might be able to cash in on some bug bounties.