Yeah it was gnarly. That was my once every ~24 hours dose, with about 1/3 of the time not being able to afford it and having the equivalent of a severe flu from withdrawal. It was like that for years. Everyone that I ever hear about being prescribed any painkillers, I give them a very serious warning.
For anyone already struggling with opioid addiction, MAT (Suboxone) is a perfectly viable option to get off of that shit, it’s not perfect, and it’s expensive, but it’s no where near as expensive as your habit, and you’ll get your life back.
240mg oxycodone, unknown amount of fentanyl towards the end there
I quit a $240 dollar/day opioid habit, but they ain’t takin’ my damn nicotine
So we’re talking about fucking kids here and hate fueled by ignorance, I don’t think that’s really an out of site out mind kind of situation.
They did change that line from “do no evil” to “do any profitable amount of evil”, so this is fair play.
Bullet point 3 was my single issue vote
Thanks for the info
I like how I’m analyzing this as if I’ll ever fucking own house or even almost approach being able to produce a down payment for one.
That sounds fucking awesome actually.
The very first video game I saw was Wolfenstein I’m pretty sure, my grandpa pulled me aside and loaded it from msdos I think and I was just blown away that you could control something on a screen
Without spoiliolps, what’s the game about?
I know Nazis have something to do with it but that’s about it.
Preferably broad strokes. I’m asking because I don’t want to look it up and it be spoiled
Godamn this made my job feel secure
No idea, just shit your pants move on lol there doesn’t need to be a movie moment