Good. Let them drown with their sinking ship. They enabled his power grab in the first place and decided something as perverted and absurd as granting a single man $60 billion. Let this be a lesson in history books.
Oh huh. I just remember him winning the new shareholder vote for which I believe the stakes were “gimme money or I leave” despite there being no legal requirement to pay him.
yep. I don’t get why they haven’t. He’s tanking their shit badly.
They just paid fucking 60 billion dollars to him to keep him from quitting. Maybe a smidge of sunk cost fallacy.
Sigh. Fuck Elon. I hope the piece of shit goes bankrupt. Probably wont happen though :/
If trump had lost the election, he would be in jail and Elon would have been destroyed. Instead, we got… this.
yup. It’s a sad state of affairs right now :/
Good. Let them drown with their sinking ship. They enabled his power grab in the first place and decided something as perverted and absurd as granting a single man $60 billion. Let this be a lesson in history books.
Did that actually get paid out? Last I heard the judge said no, multiple times.
Yep. There was another shareholder vote and he won it.
No. As of 7 days ago, he has not been paid the $50 billion. The judge’s order is holding for now.
Oh huh. I just remember him winning the new shareholder vote for which I believe the stakes were “gimme money or I leave” despite there being no legal requirement to pay him.
the honeymoon from the election is just wearing off.