You’ve got some problems dude. Get help… sweating and getting emotionally charged on a forum thread isn’t healthy or normal.
You’ve got some problems dude. Get help… sweating and getting emotionally charged on a forum thread isn’t healthy or normal.
Sounds like you’re projecting your experience from a space of limited heuristics. I’ve never once in my entire life heard someone wish gay people were dead.
I think you may want to surround yourself by better people. I think I’d be hard pressed to find anyone like that where I live.
The best part is if you look at the table below it, it increases for the next two years before COVID.
Stats can is like the worst org for posting cherry picked segments of info lol
Source? That’s news to me
The report by the actual department responsible for it. They’re definitely not level nor down, other than COVID blips which affect all stats everywhere for almost everything… Stats can often underreports:
Neat summary and comparison of the trend:
The interpretation of whether that was police brutality or not, or a genocide or not are the exact things that are radical.
I mean I won’t open that can of worms too much deeper, and I’ll let this one lay down to rest
I clearly missed something, who is doing that?
I wish I could find it, but I can’t remember which research paper I came across it for; however there is a routine survey and report that measures how Americans feel about core values over time with no changes in the questions, and what it’s shown is that conservatives have moved a little bit more right of centre on most issues, but that liberals have moved almost entirely to the far left.
The thing is, the whole point of liberalism is to consistently move the needle of progress. So it baffles me people fail to realize that today’s “normal” leftist ideologies a decade ago were those people you’re mentioning. But to someone who is still fighting those ideals and hasn’t changed their stance at all, they are still radical ideals.
Im Canadian, I don’t consider free healthcare radically left, or left at all really. There needs to exist some social supports, and healthcare is the bare minimum. We don’t go far enough here.
I see a radical as someone who uses extreme language, proposes violent actions toward instituting their ideals, or condones or excuses physical violence on others because of their ideals. Even using cancel culture, or ban culture are ultimately just attacks on freedom of expression to me and would be considered radical by this definition.
I titled it appropriately
Here in Canada they burned churches.
Also, leftist catch and release policy in Canada results in people with dozens of offences immediately put back on the street, and this has resulted in many murders, sexual assaults, continued violent crime by routine offenders. The weak on crime stance has resulted in massive crime increases here. Albeit not a political thing for the people doing the crimes, but a symptom of the policies.
Also, I think everyone is pro-Luigi if that’s the crime you’re talking about. Common ground for all
The rights I have today were gained through war, not through unfettered chaos.
No one rioted in the streets burning down buildings and looting them to give me my rights. My rights were given to me through wars that were fought. Organized, state in state violence, or organized state vs rebellion open conflict. The distinction is quite important.
Fair point on the TikTok thing. I guess I’m struggling with understanding why in any circumstance it would be good for an adult.
Like okay, to protect kids is the clear first order effect, but the second order effect is exposing adults to identity theft.
Third, real person tracing and tracking.
Government control over what individual people can and can’t see.
I know I’m pushing that pretty rapidly to a 4/5th degree effect, but that’s slippery slope I’m considering so you see my headspace.
I mean with ID verification, you can tie real life names to IP address easily, and then nmap a route to it to find the location. Pretty basic stuff and you can now stalk an adult, or worse, a child.
Better to be a wolf in a pack of coyotes, than a hare in a foxes stomach.
Not gonna lie, I did unironically propose something very similar to this once at work, and began looking into it.
Turns out I was too young to know what skynet is… I swear it would work though
Through war not chaos.
I’m not even American
Here is a great example of the “if you’re not with us you’re against us” mentality: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/28/centrism-insidious-bias-unjust-status-quo
Reasonable views being cancelled:
Bari Weiss: A former opinion editor and writer at The New York Times, Weiss is known for her centrist views, often critiquing both the far-left and far-right. In July 2020, she resigned from the newspaper, citing a hostile work environment and alleging that her centrist stances led to bullying by colleagues.
Example of extremes people will go to silence the moderates…
Stefan Gelbhaar: A member of Germany’s Green Party, Gelbhaar, associated with the party’s more centrist “Realo” wing, was forced to withdraw from the federal election race following false sexual harassment allegations. An investigation later revealed that the accusations came from a fictitious persona created by a local Green official, leading to internal tensions within the party.
But how would that header be verified?
It has to be verified at some point by someone.
That header could also easy be used to exploit children online. All I would need to do is a simple intercept to log headers.
Either trust parents to do their jobs fully, and then hold them accountable, or draw a line at which point a child can be reasonably held responsible.
If a 6 year old steals, it’s the 6 year olds fault. They’re tried differently, but they still know bette, this isn’t any different. But obviously a 6 year old should not be accessing porn for a plethora of reasons.
I never once insulted you, and asked a genuine question and you threw a tantrum lmao