40ish white dude (he/him) from the Netherlands

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • No, the files are mostly owned by the publisher. That’s why you sometimes have stories where books disappear from Kindles because the rights holders revoke Amazon’s license to sell their books. It’s what happened with one version of Orwell’s 1984, ironically.

    It’s ridiculous, if you ask me, but that’s the reality with Broken By Design DRM ebooks.

    That’s why it’s prudent for any buyers of ebooks to download them as soon as you can, and put them in a library like “Calibre”, that way, even if Amazon loses their license to sell those publishers books, you still have access to the ebooks you bought with your money.
    And that’s why it’s bad that Amazon is removing the option to download the files yourself. And why I recommend people to take their business and wallets elsewhere! Stop giving Bezos your money.