Cats do this, too. Late at night, a buddy of mine happened on a bunch of cats sitting in a circle, taking turns meowing at each other. He froze and watched it for a little while, and after a few meows, they all whipped around to look at him when they became aware of him, and then they all scattered in all directions.
What were they up to? Why did a human nearby scare them and make them stop and run?
Edit: Yes, I know adult cats don’t meow at each other, only at humans. I’m just reporting what was told to me.
Adult cats totally meow at each other. Plenty of YouTube videos of colony cats fitted with cameras where they’re doing it. Heck, earlier today there was an upvoted post of a cat meowing at another because it wanted to be groomed
Hm, maybe I heard someone who was just confident with their presentation, and I thought it was science. Clearly there are some counterexamples out there.
Oh yeah it’s a super common myth, but it’s about as real as alpha wolves or lemmings jumping off cliffs
or lemmings jumping off cliffs
Yeah, what ☝️he said!
I would venture a guess and say that most animals (at least land animals that aren’t subject to motions of the surrounding medium like fish are) would probably communicate face to face, not sure what is considered so unusual about that.
Yeah, but why were they all taking turns?
What the fuck were they saying?
Why don’t they do it when people are around?
They are talking about how they would eat their owner if they die.
Each meow is a body part.
I want a bunny
With bnnnuy comes lots of cocoa puffs. Sometimes youll find them in your jacket or pants pocket, they chew your charging cords (spicy hay) and dig ar your clothes and shirts while you nap. But its all worth it. Youll find hay and bnnuy poops all over the place and just smile because they are too damn cute!
Awwwww. I don’t mind the cocoa puffs. They’re floofiness more than makes up for it. So cute!
I thought they could be litter box trained?
They can be to an extent. My girl raisin does better she is spayed but her husbun/son felix is intersex and still has his cashews so he still sprays(mostly our cat) and leaves territorial droppings around. But bunny droppngs arent gross like cat/dog / human feces. They are just compressed balls of digested hay and veggies and are mostly dry. A little moist when fresh but after a day they are dried out. If i had felix fixed he would likely not spray our cat and leave droppings in places other than the box. But they do tend to leave droppings where they sleep/nap even if they are fixed so you’ll have a nice pile of 100 or so cocoa puffs to pick up when they are done napping. I just am afraid to have felix fixed since he might need invasive surgery if he has any internal female sex organs and he has such an interesting personality i dont want him to loose his spunky attitude after surgery or even worse, its not uncommon for rabbits to have adverse reactions to anesthetics and not make it through surgery. But spaying female rabbits is different since they have a very high 90%+ chance of reproductive organ cancer in old age.
So its a bit more complex than training a cat to use a litterbox. Its probably a little more difficult than even training a cat to use a human toilet with one of those toilet insert training liter boxes you can get.
Fun fact: carrots aren’t good for rabbits. We only link them because of Bugs Bunny, who was parodying a popular movie of the time, Clark Gable in It Happened One Night
Two fun facts.
First, Bugs is also responsible for the word “Nimrod” meaning “moron”. Nimrod is a great hunter in the bible, and Bugs was sarcastically calling Elmer Fud that name, but people didn’t realise and just assumed it was a word that meant that.
It Happened One Night is one of just 3 films to win all 5 of the major Academy Awards: best picture, best screenplay, best director, best actor & actress. The other two are Silence of the Lambs and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
But they do enjoy them and it’s ok to give as a treat sometimes.
Easy: Monty Python
“I’m not a malefactor, I’m a lagomorph!” - Max, Sam and Max Hit the Road
I think it’s a dominance thing.
Dominance over humans. Beware the Night of the Lepus!
Bringing holleration and hateration to the dancery.